03 Sep 3 Keys to Success on Instagram Live
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen how the beauty industry, among others, has needed to rely on digital channels to build and strengthen consumer relationships while commercial activity has been on hold.
Social media has become the perfect place (if it wasn’t already) to connect with a wide audience in a much more personalized, humanized way. And during the first weeks of the confinement, in Spain alone, Instagram use increased 22.7%, according to data from consulting agency Smartme Analytics.
Instagram Live was one of the most-used tools to take advantage of the moment, with countless leisure & entertainment initiatives emerging with a single objective: to build community.
But even though Instagram experienced unprecedented live show viewing numbers during the confinement, these audience have plummeted since confinement ended.
So this begs the question: does a continued focus on IG Live make sense given this reduction in audience viewship and participation?
It all depends on your strategy!
Just like any social network, defining a strategy is key. Here are 3 key questions to address:
1. WHO
Think about who the IG Live content is intended for. Analyze your community and define different segments to create micro-audiences.
If you have a large audience, your live video will surely have a larger number of users connected. But what will retain those viewers?
If you work with micro-audiences, you will be able to better define their interests and create content that is much more personalized & relevant.
Think about what content you will broadcast. Make a list of possible interests and ideas for each micro-audience, or even ask them directly to solicit feedback: use Instagram Stories or post in the feed to ask about content interests or present an IG Live initiative.
Use this list to differentiate between single content actions and continuous, long-term actions as you build the strategic view.
The latter is the ideal! If you want to be successful with Instagram Live, you must get your audience used to consuming your brand’s IG Live content. Do not view IG Live as a direct sales opportunity, but as an opportunity to connect and build relevance with your audience.
Find the balance between engagement content and conversion content.
3. HOW
Broadcast alone, invite a guest, ask your audience to participate with Q&A … try any & every Instagram Live format!
Let your audience decide which format you should broadcast. In order to do this, after each IG Live broadcast you should measure not only the audience, but also the audience’s participation.
Do they ask questions? Interact with each other? Request participation of a relevant person in the brand, industry, etc.?
It is important to consider both the quantity and the quality of your audience.
Get the most out of what is probably one of the most interactive video platforms of the moment. Here are some ideas to encourage maximum audience participation as your build your IG Live strategy.
👉 Use the sticker countdown in Stories so that your followers can create a notification for the day and time of the IG Live broadcast.
👉 Offer exclusive discount codes for the audience that joins the IG Live.
👉 In the days leading up to the broadcast, use the question sticker in Stories to learn about topics that interest your community.
👉 Collaborate with creators relevant to your brand to combine audiences and increase IG Live participation.
Start to connect directly with your audience through Instagram Live! [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]